My sweet girl is 16 pounds! WOOT! She is up from 14 lbs 9 oz at her one year well visit on 7/19/11.This has been her biggest weight gain since leaving the NICU. She does not refuse food and is really downing her meals so I offer her meals and healthy snacks whenever I can. It is such a good feeling to finally see my girl gain some weight.
We are now in the land of walking. Tentatively taking steps for over a week now but I think she will master the art in a few months. Watching someone the size of a 6 month old attempting to walk is an amazing thing. I always think back to the 1 lb 10 oz baby doll sized person that was born to me. I have not been able to get over that and I don't think I ever will. I gaze at her in amazement for just being, there were so many of preemie warriors who were not afforded this opportunity at life.
This week her fingers were slammed in the door at day care and we were not called immediately. DH stopped by to drop off a few juice boxes when he noticed her fingers were bloodly/swollen and he was beyond livid. The teacher that was assigned to watch the children in the classroom while the lead teacher was bringing in the mobile children from the playground was suspended for negligence. There were 3 teachers and 8 children so this was completely uncalled for. We have had 3 major incidences with her new classroom that we never had in the infant room and I'm hoping we can get over this hump otherwise we will be moving childcare centers.
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